Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wheat you want?

Sifting away...Here is a Hand-i-Sift brand 3 Screen (count'em 3!) metal sifter. The company has offered to show you what yummy treats you can make with their product on the outside of their product.

Let's see, there's cakes (both pink and a blotchy looking green ones), pies, jelly rolls and something that I hope is a hot dog bun. Not quite sure what the plate of disks might be.

There really are 3 screens inside-good old American ingenuity. If Hand-i-Sift had been more aggressive, perhaps they would've gone to 4 or 5 screens-just like Gillette keeps adding blades to their razors. Then they could have won the sifting championship and taken over the world.

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