Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dig that crazy party food-part 2!

Here's another tasty entry from the Appetizer Cookbook. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and I can think of a few good ones inspired by these photos-unappealing, gelatanous and unappetizing. The thing that confuses me the most is the combination of food items as appetizers. Are those grapes or olives on the crackers? And, really, what is that beige gunk in the bowl?

Please tell me.

Well, maybe I don't want to know.

The photogenic two page spread in the middle has that ubiquitous orange/red/green color combo popular in mid-century magazines. The strangest thing is that the food that should be green is yellow-look at the bowl of celery for proof. What wacky chef thought of combining toast, some slab of cheese, a thick pickle and some kind of red sauce topped with corn? The matching bowls of limp celery and potato chunks and the centerpiece goblet full of spotted mush only make the feast more delectable...not!

My favorite bizarre photo is the bottom one. Having eaten proscuitto and melon before, I know that it's tasty but a weird combination. Here is a testament to how important "plating" is for appetizing presentation. Loosely draped limp slabs of ham over two wedges of melon makes a surreal looking party repast.

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